Every startup is a story, waiting to be told. It's a story of passion, perseverance, and the willingness to take risks in pursuit of a dream.

Some Leading Startup Stories

LIGHTMATTER - "Revolutionizing computing with photonic processors"

The idea for Lightmatter came about when Harris and Bunandar were researching ways to improve computing performance using light instead of electricity.

VSCO - "A community for creators, by creators"

The idea for VSCO came about when Flory, a photographer, was frustrated with the limited editing capabilities of existing photo apps.

LUMINAR - "Bringing autonomous vehicles to reality with lidar"

The idea for Luminar came about when Russell was frustrated with the limitations of existing lidar technology for autonomous vehicles.

SLACK - "Where work happens"

The idea for Slack came about when Butterfield and his team were building a video game and realized that they needed a better way to communicate with each other.